Francisca Lousada • 15 Jul 2024
World Youth Skills Day: Let's Not Zap Through Progress

On World Youth Skills Day, I was challenged to write about the importance of Employer Branding to attract and retain Generation Z, the youngest in the workforce. Acknowledging that much more would be needed for a deeper reflection, I decided to use this space to reflect on the relevance of technology, innovation, and agility in this matter.

Those who are part of Generation Z have not known society without new information technologies. Or, if they have, it was only through stories told by grandparents, a time when communication was through letters; through parents' photographs, taken with analog cameras; or by black-and-white television, faithfully stored in the attic. Zoomers did not live in those times. The older ones inaugurated video calls with Skype and later got excited about Snapchat; the younger ones started with WhatsApp and are the "owners" of TikTok. While some cherished the first Nokia 3310 they inherited from siblings, the luckier ones were kids when they received their first iPhone. They share the commonality of having grown up in a context of digital acceleration that shaped their way of thinking and being, leading them today to favor organizations committed to technological development and digitization.

I recognize a tendency to associate this characteristic with a certain materialism, but I do not believe we should do so. On the contrary, I am of the opinion that this mindset is linked to the desire to progress—not just individually, but collectively. It is true—studies say—that Generation Z is motivated by opportunities for professional development and even career progression. But the same studies tell us that this is the generation that reacts best to adversity, the most entrepreneurial, the most tolerant, and the most conscious. The generation whose name comes from "zapping"—demonstrating the fast and impatient pace at which it lives—is also the one that promotes collaborative environments, demands respect for our ecosystem, supports the fight against toxic leadership, and sees progress as the answer for the future. Allow me to say that this generation is the future. They are tomorrow's leaders and if we do not know how to attract and retain them, we diminish our chance to be competitive.

It is widely agreed that technological development and entrepreneurship are vital for the success of a business. However, until recently, there was a tendency to channel innovation efforts towards initiatives directly related to the product (or service) production chain. There was also the impression that businesses positioned outside of the technological, scientific, or digital industries did not need to prioritize the digitization of processes, as this apparently did not impact their value proposition.

Finally, the time has come when we realize that digital transformation is also indispensable when it comes to recruitment processes, work models, internal communication tools, and team management. And even if we did not consider the enthusiasm and relationship that Generation Z establishes with organizations committed to technological development, we can agree that this is deeply associated with team productivity, ultimately reflecting on the sustainability of the business.

Having arrived here, let's not zap through progress. Especially since the next to arrive are the Alphas, who won't even know this expression.

This article was published in Forbes.

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